Over the counter Medicine can be enticing to curious children

We don’t always think of the following things as dangerous; Diaper rash ointments, first aid creams, vitamins or eye drops. But to a curious child, these can be very dangerous and need to be kept out of reach, in a lockable prescription bag.
We often require doses of medication several times a day and it is tempting to keep those medications “handy”. Put medications away after every use. Always remember that child-resistant doesn’t mean childproof.
Guests purses, bags or coat pockets can contain medications. Always make sure that those items are kept out of reach of children.
Keep medications in the original containers or packages. And always check for interactions before taking or giving multiple medications. Keep the number for poison control handy 1-800-222-1222
If you use a seven-day pill box make sure to keep that locked up. A handful of brightly colored pills or capsules can be deadly to a child.